At the opening of the in-person GVL partners meeting organized by WWF in Kampala, Uganda, at Protea Hotel by Marriott on this 9th march 2023, participants were challenged about the unclear economic value of the protected areas in the Greater Virunga Landscape.
“ A conservationist should be able to point out the economic value of the resources to protect. It is important to highlight the value and show what would be the loss in quantifiable terms, in case this or that protected area would be encroached on. That will help, when discussing with decision-makers and will compel national, regional and international actors in conservation.
This is one among the issues brought out by Dr. Andrew Seguya Ggunga during the in-person GVL partners meeting organized by WWF. This meeting brought together Greater Virunga Transboundary Collaboration as an Interstate Organization between DRC, Rwanda and Uganda as well as other No Governmental Organizations involved in the conservation of the Greater Virunga Landscape, including mainly WWF, WCS, IUCN, Jane Good All, AWF, ARCOS... with the aim of advancing the development of a collaborative partnership among NGOs devoted to the conservation and sustainable development of the GVL in partnership with mandated government agencies, GVTC, local NGOs and communities.
The ultimate goal is for the collaborating NGOs to agree on mechanisms for joint knowledge management, project development and management, policy advice and strategic engagement in the GVL.