Our health depends on healthy forests.
Forests provide clean air and water, and regulate our climate and weather. We depend on forests for food, energy, shelter, income, and medicine; over 1.6 billion people directly, including 60 million indigenous people. Forests and trees reduce air pollution and heat exposure. Walking in forests can boost our immune systems and improve mental health. And as more and more people live in cities, healthy urban forests are increasingly important for their well-being.
Forest ecosystems also provide more than 86 million green jobs globally. And more than three quarters of the world´s species are found in forests. But currently, forests ecosystems are being destroyed and biodiversity is being lost. This undermines sustainable development and poses risks for our health. For example, by encroaching on natural ecosystems, we´ve increased opportunities for transmission of zoonotic diseases and risks of pandemics.
Follow this link for full statement: Statement of CBD ES On International day of Forests